

Welcome to Lost with Luis!  I blog about my travels, adventures and thoughts. Come get lost with me!

Lost with Luis: Five research tips to plan the perfect trip

Lost with Luis: Five research tips to plan the perfect trip

Planning the perfect trip doesn’t have to be daunting.  It can be enjoyable.  In fact, for me, planning a trip can be as
fun as actually going on the trip.  There’s no better feeling than arriving somewhere for the very first time and feeling a sense of fulfillment after weeks, months or even years of maneuvering through the planning stages.  

To get the most of your experience, here are 5 of my tips to plan the perfect trip.

1. Instagram Instagram has become my go-to for all things travel.  It is literally a hub for getting tons of information if you use it properly.
There are a few ways to use Instagram to your advantage when planning a trip:

Hashtags: Search hashtags that are related to your destination:  I.e.: If I am going to New York, an obvious hashtag can be #newyorkcity.  But if you want to be more specific, try neighborhoods, like #brooklyn, or other hashtags like #bestpizzainnewyork. When you search a specific hashtag, you can also follow the stories to that hashtag which give you real, in-the-moment perspectives from other people experiencing that place or thing in real time or recently.

Search ‘places’: When looking at certain geotags, you can see lots of posts from people that have been to that specific place.  This is one of my favourite tools because it allows you to get a large pool of images from people from all walks of life.  You will see the beautiful, curated photos but also the raw, real moments which allows you to get a great overview. This is a really great tool for restaurants as well. I always pop on Instagram to see if I can find a photo of what I want to order if I’m having a tough time deciding what to get.

Both of the tactics above can really take you in so many different directions, and from there you can decide what works best for you.  It’s a great way to get other ideas.  Sometimes, I’ll go as far messaging people that have been to certain places to ask them about their experience and recommendations.  That might sound strange but remember, It’s called SOCIAL media for a reason. Don’t be afraid to be social on it!


2. Travel Blogs:  Blogs are a great way to get an overview about someone’s experience somewhere.  Try a google search such as: “Travel Blog + Destination” or something like “Best café’s in Paris + Travel Blog”. Some of my favourite travel blogs are The Blonde Abroad & Nomadic Matt; both of these blogs helped shape many of my past trips.  There are tons of blogs out there so find something that speaks to you and your style.

3. Facebook Groups: There are many Facebook community pages where you can talk to likeminded individuals that are also planning trips to similar places.  For those that live in the GTA area, YYZ Deals is a great Facebook community page for travel.  You can ask questions about destinations you are visiting and get advice from people that have been to those places. Every now and then, Chris Myden (the travel enthusiast that started the group) posts INCREDIBLE flight and travel deals.  A few years ago, I booked a trip to the Exumas in the Bahamas (normally an expensive destination) for a ridiculously cheap amount, all thanks to YYZ Deals. I recently booked a round trip flight to British Columbia for $53, taxes included and it was because of this page!  Trust me, it will not disappoint.

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4. TripAdvisor: TripAdvisor is a great place to find lots of conversations/questions/comments about destinations and from there, I like to form my own opinion.  I love TripAdvisor, because sometimes you can get very specific topics about destinations.  For example, I am not big on crowds, so sometimes I search topics like “Least busiest time to visit the Eiffel Tower”.  Often times, there are a few comments on Trip Advisor, that allow me to plan out my timing accordingly.  For those of you that don’t just want to do all of the touristy popular things, I always like to search ‘off the beaten path’ on TripAdvisor to find local gems that are maybe not as popular. 

Tip:  Visit as many topics about certain places/restaurants/things and try to get a general consensus about it.  Some people may have a bad opinion about a place - “it was too crowded” or “it’s so overhyped”, while others might have a great experience: “the views were incredible” or “I loved the lookout”.  Form your own opinion based on all of your research but don’t let one positive or negative feedback deter you until you get an overall consensus on whether that place meets your needs.

5. Airbnb: Airbnb has become one of my favourite travel tools.  For one, I think there is no better way to experience a place than staying at a local’s home and immersing yourself in the culture.  You can see other’s reviews and I tend to lean towards the ‘super hosts’, to ensure my stay will be perfect.  I have stayed in some pretty incredible places that helped set the mood for my trip (see below image for my stay in Porto, Portugal), so I highly recommend Airbnb.  Another part of Airbnb that many people don’t know about is Airbnb Experiences.  Airbnb Experiences, allows you to find fun, unique and cultural experiences in locations you are visiting.  Past experiences for me have included a grape stomping wine tour in Portugal and a cooking class in Toronto.  I highly recommend Airbnb and Airbnb Experiences.


With these simple tips, I assure you that your next trip will be magic!  Remember, that there’s no need to over plan.  It’s always great to leave some gaps in your itinerary.  Part of the travel experience is getting lost in something new and having a rigid plan will only limit you.  Safe travels!

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